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Employment Development Department
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End of the Mixed Earner Unemployment Compensation Program

According to the CARES Act of 2020, the federal Mixed Earner Unemployment Compensation (MEUC) program ended September 4, 2021. The additional $100 is no longer payable for any weeks after September 4, 2021.

How Does This Affect You?

You were receiving additional $100 MEUC payments. If you have a regular unemployment claim that still has a balance, you will only receive regular unemployment benefits for weeks after September 4, 2021, until you exhaust all benefits or your benefit year ends.

If you were also collecting Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) or FED-ED benefits, you will receive a separate notice with more information.

Additional Resources

California offers many benefit programs to help you:
  • GetCalFresh.org: Offers up to $234 per person per month in food assistance whether you are working or not. For more information call‎1-877-847-3663 (FOOD).
  • HousingIsKey.comOffers rental assistance including 100 percent back rent and future rent. You can also call the Rent Relief Call Center at ‎1-833-430-2122.
  • BenefitsCal.org: Californians can apply directly to the county human services agency for food assistance (CalFresh), cash aid and services for families with children (CalWORKs), and free health insurance (Medi-Cal) through this portal.
  • CoveredCA.com: Find affordable health insurance for as low as $1 per month. For more information call ‎1-800-300-1506.
Visit the Additional Resources page at edd.ca.gov/resources.htm for a full list of resources.
For help finding gainful work, job training, and other employment services, we encourage you to access the following:
  • CalJOBS.ca.gov: Visit the state’s online, no-cost virtual job center that includes over a million job listings from private job boards and recruitment sites.
  • America's Job Center of California℠ (AJCC): Find job search assistance, resume writing, interview preparation, and access to job training at locations throughout the state. Visit edd.ca.gov/office_locator to find an AJCC near you.
For more information about job seeker services, visit edd.ca.gov/ReturnWork.htm
This notice cannot be appealed and there is no need to contact us.
DE 6331EN-MEUC (9-21) (INTRANET)