UI / DE 238 CTB

SAMPLE, this page for reference only

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EDD Telephone Numbers:
TTY (Non Voice)



DATE: Blank line
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This notice is to advise you that the Unemployment Insurance (UI) Program can not process your request to participate in the California Training Benefits (CTB) Streamline process. The Employment Development Department (EDD) received a Training Enrollment Verification (TEV), DE 3422D, form on Blank line____________ with your training information provided by an authorized Workforce Investment Act (WIA) program representative from the Blank line___________________________________.
When the TEV is properly completed and you are otherwise eligible for UI Benefits, the TEV is used to expedite approval for the CTB program and avoid delays in your UI payments while you attend school or training. However, the TEV can not be accepted and your CTB approval will not be completed for the reasons indicated below. A new TEV must be submitted after the appropriate action is taken.

    The One-Stop Center or EDD Workforce office may have been contacted by EDD to re-submit a new TEV form on your behalf. However, you must contact the office to ensure that a new form is submitted promptly to avoid further delays. Once a properly completed TEV is received by EDD, your CTB approval can be processed, if you are otherwise eligible for UI Benefits. You will receive CTB program eligibility notification by mail within 7 to 10 days after the EDD receives an acceptable TEV from your WIA authorized program representative. If a new TEV is not received within 10 days, you may be scheduled for a telephone interview and UI payments may be delayed.

    • Online, or by mail or fax by accessing https://eapply4ui.edd.ca.gov/.
    • By telephone between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday at the one of the toll-free telephone numbers above.
    After you file a valid new claim or a federal extension with California and receive confirmation from EDD and you are still attending WIA authorized school or training and want to participate in CTB, you must contact the authorized program representative who completed your TEV to request that a new form be submitted.
DE 238CTB Rev. 2 (3-18) (INTRANET)

SAMPLE, this page for reference only

  1. After you provide proof of earnings to EDD as instructed on the attached form and you receive confirmation from EDD that you are eligible for benefits on this claim, you can request the authorized program representative who completed your TEV to submit a new form on your behalf.
  2. Blank line  
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CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This notice is for the sole use of the intended recipients. It contains confidential or sensitive information. Under Penal Code 502 and Civil Code 1798.53, any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, or distribution of the content of this document is prohibited and subject to criminal penalties/fines. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the EDD.
DE 238CTB Rev. 2 (3-18) (INTRANET)