UI / DE 4365REA

SAMPLE, this page for reference only


EDD Employment Development Department State of California Logo

Mail Date:
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In order to be eligible for Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits, you must attend all interviews and/or workshops the Department schedules for you to assist you in returning to work. You were scheduled for a mandatory Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) appointment on You did not attend your scheduled RESEA appointment. The reason you did not attend may affect your eligibility for benefits. Please provide answers to the appropriate questions below and mail with the enclosed Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) Questionnaire to the EDD office address listed above Failure to complete and return both forms within 10 days of the mailing date listed above will be cause for denial of benefits.

Indicate why you did not attend the RESEA appointment by marking the box that pertains to the reason(s) you did not attend. If the reason you did not attend is not shown, please check the “Other” box and write a complete explanation on the reverse of the form. The information you supply will be used to determine whether you are eligible for benefits. We will not contact you for more information before issuing a decision; therefore, it is important to fully explain why you did not attend. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Always include your Social Security Number on any additional documents.

  1. Provide the following information:

    • Employer Name:
      Blank line  
    • Address:
      Blank line  
    • Phone Number:
      Blank line  

    If you attended a job interview, also provide the following information:

    • Position interviewed for:
      Blank line  
    • Name of person who interviewed you:
      Blank line  

Use the reverse side of this form to provide your statement.

DE 4365REA Rev. 3 (8-21) (INTRANET)

SAMPLE, this page for reference only

Explain below why you did not attend the RESEA appointment by answering the following questions.

  1. Explain in detail the situation that prevented you from attending the RESEA appointment.
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  2. What date and time did the situation begin that caused you to miss the RESEA appointment?
    Blank line  
    What date and time did the situation end, or what date and time do you expect the situation to end?
    Blank line  
  3. Did you try to resolve this situation in order to attend the RESEA appointment?
    If yes, what steps did you take?
    Blank line  
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  4. Could you have gone to work on the day of the RESEA appointment if work was available?
I understand the law provides penalties if I make false statements or withhold facts to obtain benefits. I declare under penalty of perjury that the information I am providing is true and correct.
Blank line 
Print Your Name
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DE 4365REA Rev. 3 (8-21) (INTRANET)