UI / DE 2320M

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EDD Employment Development Department State of California Logo



Unemployment Insurance (UI) is an employer paid program that provides temporary partial income replacement when you have become unemployed or have had your hours reduced and meet all eligibility requirements.
Am I eligible for Unemployment Insurance?
You may file a claim for UI benefits if you are out of work or your hours have been reduced. To be eligible to receive UI benefits, you must be out of work due to no fault of your own and be physically able to work, ready to accept work, and looking for work. For a full list of eligibility requirements, visit www.edd.ca.gov/Unemployment/Eligibility.htm
When should I file my claim?
You should file your claim in the first week when you lose your job or have your hours reduced. Your claim will be filed the Sunday of the week your application is submitted.
Important: A delay in filing may result in a delay of payment of benefits.
How can I file for Unemployment Insurance?
You may file for UI through one of the following methods:
  • Online
    UI Online℠ is the fastest and most convenient way to file your UI claim. Visit www.edd.ca.gov/UI_Online to get started. You can file your claim with UI Online during the times listed below:
    Days of the Week
    Available Time
    4 am. – 10 pm.
    Tuesday - Friday
    2 am. – 10 pm.
    2 am. – 8 pm.
    5 am. – 8:30 pm.
  • Phone
    Representatives are available at the following toll-free numbers, Monday through Friday between 8 am. to 12 noon (Pacific Time) except state holidays.
  • Fax or Mail
    File your UI claim by accessing the paper UI application at www.edd.ca.gov/unemployment/Filing_a_Claim.htm For faster and more secure processing, fax the completed application to the number listed on the form. If you mail your application, use the address on the form and allow additional time for processing.
What information do I need to apply?
To ensure that your claim is filed as quickly as possible, you will need to provide personal information, such as the names you used while working, your Social Security number, your mailing and residence addresses, and your:
DE 2320M Rev. 9 (11-18) (INTERNET)

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Is there a waiting period?

All claims have a one-week, unpaid waiting period. Your waiting period cannot begin until your claim is filed. To serve the waiting period, you must certify for benefits and meet all other eligibility requirements for the week of your waiting period.

What happens next?

After you file, you will be mailed information about your claim, the UI program, and receive a separate mailing with your first Continued Claim Form, DE 4581. Most customers will also receive the Notice of Requirement to Register for Work, DE 8405, advising them to register for CalJOBSSM, California’s online labor exchange system. Be sure to read and respond to all requests to avoid payment delays.

How do I certify for benefits?
To request benefit payments, you must provide eligibility information to the EDD every two weeks. This is known as certifying for benefits. The fastest way to certify is through UI Online. You may also certify by phone using EDD Tele- Cert℠ at
1-866-333-4606, or by mailing in your Continued Claim form, DE 4581, by the mail date on the form. For more information, refer to www.edd.ca.gov/unemployment/Certifying_for_Benefits_Process.htm.
Payment Information
Payment information is updated daily and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through your UI Online account or by calling UI Self-Service at
Frequently Asked Questions
  • How much does UI pay?
    • Weekly benefit amounts range from a minimum of $40 to a maximum of $450 depending on your base period quarterly earnings.
  • What is UI Online℠ ?
    • UI Online is a fast, secure, and convenient way to file a claim, certify for benefits, and view claim and payment information. To access your account or to register, visit www.edd.ca.gov/UI_Online
  • How can I ask a question about my claim?
    • The best way to ask a question is through UI Online. After you log in, select Contact Us along with a category and topic, and then submit your question. When EDD responds, you will be notified by email. You may also submit a question using Ask EDD at askedd.edd.ca.gov or by calling one of the phone numbers on the reverse side of this form.
  • Why am I scheduled for a phone interview?
    • If the EDD needs more information about your eligibility to receive benefits, you will be notified by mail of the date, time, and purpose of your phone appointment. Failure to be available for your interview could result in the delay or denial of benefits.
Other Resources The EDD provides a comprehensive range of re-employment services in partnership with state and local agencies at no cost. These services, provided statewide through the America's Job Center of California℠ (AJCC), benefit job seekers, youth, veterans, and people with disabilities with the following services:
  • Job search assistance
  • Job listings through CalJOBSSM
  • Workshops
  • Information on wages and trends
  • Information on training programs
  • Referrals to other services and more
  • Access to telephones, Internet, printers, fax machines, and copy machines
To find an AJCC near you, visit www.edd.ca.gov/Office_Locator or call the US. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration helpline at ‎1‑877 US 2 JOBS ‎(1‑877‑872‑5627). Information is available in several languages. TTY access is available at ‎(1‑877‑872‑5627).
DE 2320M Rev. 9 (11-18) (INTERNET)