UI / DE 8598DUA-D

SAMPLE, this page for reference only

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Claimant's Name
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Employment Development Department
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Mail Date: MM/DD/YYYY
For Office Use Only: 000000000000


You requested to file for Federal Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act due to XXXX.

You Do NOT qualify for DUA benefits. The federal law authorizing the DUA program prohibits the payments of benefits because:

  1. __ A.
    Your request to file a DUA claim is denied. You are eligible for another type of unemployment or disability compensation. You do not meet the legal requirements for payment of DUA benefits. (20 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] § 625.4 [i])
  2. __ B.
    Your unemployment was not caused by the XXXX disaster, as provided under federal law. Your request to file a DUA claim is denied. (20 CFR § 625.4[d] and § 625.5)
  3. __ C1.
    You are not eligible to receive DUA benefits for the week(s) beginning MM/DD/YYYY and ending MM/DD/YYYY because available facts show that you were unable to work or unavailable for work due to XXXX. (20 CFR § 625.4[g]; California Unemployment Insurance Code [CUIC] § 1253[c])
  4. __ C2.
    You are not eligible to receive DUA benefits for the week(s) beginning MM/DD/YYYY and ending when the disqualifying conditions no longer exist, and you contact the Employment Development Department to reopen your claim. Available facts show that you are unable to work or unavailable for work due to XXXX. (20 CFR § 625.4[g]; California Unemployment Insurance Code [CUIC] § 1253[c])
  5. __ D1.
    You are not eligible to receive DUA benefits for the week(s) beginning MM/DD/YYYY and ending MM/DD/YYYY. You did not submit your certification(s) for the week(s) of MM/DD/YYYY until MM/DD/YYYY. Facts available to the Department do not show that you had good cause for submitting your certification(s) late. (20 CFR § 625.8[b]; CUIC § 1326.5)
  6. __ D2.
    You are not eligible to receive DUA benefits for the week(s) beginning MM/DD/YYYY and ending MM/DD/YYYY. Information available to the Department indicates that you have not certified for DUA benefits in a timely manner. Your certification(s) for the week(s) of MM/DD/YYYY was not submitted to the Department until MM/DD/YYYY. Since you were not available for your telephone interview on MM/DD/YYYY, facts available to the Department do not show that you had good cause for submitting your certification(s) late. (20 CFR § 625.8[b]; CUIC § 1326.5)
  7. __ E1.
    Your weekly DUA benefit amount must be reduced by $0000 for the week(s) beginning MM/DD/YYYY and ending MM/DD/YYYY. You received or are in receipt of the following income that under Federal Regulations is considered deductible from payable DUA benefits:
    1. __ a. Benefits or insurance proceeds not defined as “compensation” under 20 CFR § 625.2[d] for loss of wages due to illness or disability. (20 CFR § 625.13[a][1])

DE 8598DUA-D Rev. 2 (12-21) (INTERNET)

SAMPLE, this page for reference only

  1. __ E1. Your weekly DUA benefit amount must be reduced by $0000 for the week(s) beginning MM/DD/YYYY and ending MM/DD/YYYY. You received or are in receipt of the following income that under Federal Regulations is considered deductible from payable DUA benefits:
    1. __b.
      Supplemental UI benefits from a collective bargaining agreement. (20 CFR § 625.13[a][2])
  2. __ E1. Your weekly DUA benefit amount must be reduced by $0000 for the week(s) beginning MM/DD/YYYY and ending MM/DD/YYYY. You received or are in receipt of the following income that under Federal Regulations is considered deductible from payable DUA benefits:
    1. __c.
      Private income protection insurance. (20 CFR § 625.13[a][3])
  3. __ E1. Your weekly DUA benefit amount must be reduced by $0000 for the week(s) beginning MM/DD/YYYY and ending MM/DD/YYYY. You received or are in receipt of the following income that under Federal Regulations is considered deductible from payable DUA benefits:
    1. __d.
      Workers compensation as a result of the head of household losing his or her life due to the major disaster. (20 CFR § 625.13[a][4])
  4. __ E1. Your weekly DUA benefit amount must be reduced by $0000 for the week(s) beginning MM/DD/YYYY and ending MM/DD/YYYY. You received or are in receipt of the following income that under Federal Regulations is considered deductible from payable DUA benefits:
    1. __e.
      Pension payments from employer XXXX. You did not contribute to the pension fund and the services you performed for the employer, after the beginning of the base period, either affected your eligibility to receive the pension or increased the award of pension. (20 CFR § 625.13[a][5]; CUIC § 1255.3)
  5. __ E2. You are not eligible for DUA benefits for the week(s) beginning MM/DD/YYYY and ending MM/DD/YYYY. You received or are in receipt of the following income that under Federal Regulations is considered deductible from payable DUA benefits. This income is equal to or exceeds your weekly DUA benefit amount:
    1. __a.
      Benefits or insurance proceeds not defined as “compensation” under 20 CFR § 625.2[d] for loss of wages due to illness or disability. (20 CFR § 625.13[a][1])
  6. __ E2. You are not eligible for DUA benefits for the week(s) beginning MM/DD/YYYY and ending MM/DD/YYYY. You received or are in receipt of the following income that under Federal Regulations is considered deductible from payable DUA benefits. This income is equal to or exceeds your weekly DUA benefit amount:
    1. __b.
      Supplemental UI benefits from a collective bargaining agreement. (20 CFR § 625.13[a][2])
  7. __ E2. You are not eligible for DUA benefits for the week(s) beginning MM/DD/YYYY and ending MM/DD/YYYY. You received or are in receipt of the following income that under Federal Regulations is considered deductible from payable DUA benefits. This income is equal to or exceeds your weekly DUA benefit amount:
    1. __c.
      Private income protection insurance. (20 CFR § 625.13[a][3])
  8. __ E2. You are not eligible for DUA benefits for the week(s) beginning MM/DD/YYYY and ending MM/DD/YYYY. You received or are in receipt of the following income that under Federal Regulations is considered deductible from payable DUA benefits. This income is equal to or exceeds your weekly DUA benefit amount:
    1. __d.
      Workers compensation as a result of the head of household losing his/her life due to the major disaster. (20 CFR § 625.13[a][4])
  9. __ E2. You are not eligible for DUA benefits for the week(s) beginning MM/DD/YYYY and ending MM/DD/YYYY. You received or are in receipt of the following income that under Federal Regulations is considered deductible from payable DUA benefits. This income is equal to or exceeds your weekly DUA benefit amount:
    1. __e.
      Pension payments from employer XXXX. You did not contribute to the pension fund and the services you performed for the employer, after the beginning of the base period, either affected your eligibility to receive the pension or increased the award of pension. (20 CFR § 625.13[a][5]; CUIC § 1255.3)

DE 8598DUA-D Rev. 2 (12-21) (INTERNET)

SAMPLE, this page for reference only

  1. __ F. You are not eligible for DUA benefits for week(s) beginning MM/DD/YYYY and ending MM/DD/YYYY. You refused work with employer XXXX. Information available to the Department shows the work was suitable. Your reasons for refusal do not meet the legal requirements for payment of benefits. (20 CFR § 625.13[b][2]; CUIC § 1257[b])
  2. __ G.You are not eligible for DUA benefits for week(s) beginning MM/DD/YYYY and ending MM/DD/YYYY. Available facts show that you have become reemployed in a suitable position. In accordance with Section 625.13(b) of Title 20 of the Code of Federal Regulations, an individual is not entitled to DUA benefits for any week after the week in which the individual is reemployed in a suitable position. (20 CFR § 625.13[b])
  3. __ H. You requested to continue to receive DUA benefits for the weeks that began after MM/DD/YYYY. The Disaster Assistance Period began on MM/DD/YYYY and ended on MM/DD/YYYY. In accordance with Section 625.4(a) of Title 20 of the Code of Federal Regulations, an individual shall be eligible to receive a payment of DUA benefits only if the week(s) claimed begins during a Disaster Assistance Period. (20 CFR § 625.4[a])
  4. __ I.You filed your DUA claim on MM/DD/YYYY, after the Disaster Assistance Period (DAP) ended on MM/DD/YYYY. In accordance with Section 625.8(a) of Title 20 of the Code of Federal Regulations, an initial application for DUA benefits will not be accepted if it is filed after the DAP for this disaster has ended. (20 CFR § 625.8[a])


The Robert T.
Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act) (Chapter 42 United States Code [USC] § 5121 note) and Title 20 Code of Federal Regulations Part 625.


Under 18 U.S.C. §1001, knowingly and willfully concealing a material fact by any trick, scheme, or device or knowingly making a false statement in connection with this claim is a Federal Offense, punishable by a fine of not more than ‎$10,000 or imprisonment for not more than five years, or both.


Any appeal from this notice must be filed on or before MM/DD/YYYY to be timely.

This decision is final unless appealed to an Administrative Law Judge of the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board within sixty days from the date this notice was mailed to you. (42 USC § 5189a) Appeals should be sent to the field office listed on this notice. Appeal forms are available on the EDD website at http://www.edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de1000m.pdf In your appeal you must state the reasons why you do not agree with this decision. While an appeal is pending you must continue to submit a weekly claim for each week that you contend you are eligible. If the final decision by the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board finds you eligible, you can be paid only for those weeks you filed a weekly claim and met all other eligibility requirements.

DE 8598DUA-D Rev. 2 (12-21) (INTERNET)