UI / DE 1326CD

SAMPLE, this page for reference only

PO BOX 2530
EDD Employment Development Department State of California Logo


(Submit copies unless otherwise noted)

You must provide ONE document from the “Photo Identification” section AND at least ONE of the documents from the “Other Identity Documents” section. All documents submitted should be copied onto an 8 ½ x 11 inch paper and must include your Social Security number (SSN) on each page.

Photo Identification

Provide a clear and readable copy of ONE of the following documents issued by a state, local or federal agency that contains your name, your date of birth, and your photograph:
  • Driver license or ID card
  • Employment Authorization Document issued by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) (USCIS Form I-766)
  • US Passport OR US Passport Card
  • Certificate of Citizenship (USCIS Form N-600)
  • Foreign passport
  • Certificate of Naturalization (USCIS Form N-550)
  • US Military card (front and back)
  • Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Card (USCIS Form I-551)
  • Military dependent’s ID card (front and back)

Other Identity Documents

Provide a clear and readable copy or original document (as specified) of at least ONE of the following:

Employment Data

  • A copy of at least one W-2 issued to you for the last year; or
  • A copy of at least one pre-printed check stub or payment statement issued to you by your employer within twelve months prior to the date that your claim was first filed and containing:
    • Your first name (or initial) and your last name, and SSN (at least last 4 digits) or your employee identification number, and employer name, and the pay period dates, or date the check stub or pay statement was issued.

Address Verification (showing your name and current residence address)

  • A copy of an unaltered utility bill (electricity, gas, garbage, water, or sewer), cable TV bill, phone bill, bank statement, property tax bill, mortgage statement or current and complete rental/lease agreement, or
  • A copy of registration verification as a renter/authorized user of a Post Office Box or a Private Mail Box.

Social Security Number Verification (A Social Security card WILL NOT satisfy this requirement).

  • A complete copy (Pages 1, 2, and 3) of your Social Security Statement available online at socialsecurity.gov/myaccount, or
  • Original Notice to Third Party of Social Security Number Assignment (SSA Form 7028); or
  • Original Report of Confidential Social Security Benefit Information (SSA Form 2458).

Date of Birth Verification

  • A copy of an official birth certificate issued by a local, state, or federal agency, or a foreign government, or other official certification of your birth. A birth certificate marked “information, not a valid document to establish identity,” is not acceptable verification. An official translation of the birth certificate alone is not acceptable date of birth verification. An official birth certificate must be attached to the official translation.
DE 1326CD Rev. 8 (7-21) (INTERNET)