SAMPLE, this page for reference only.
Date: MM/DD/YYYY EDD Customer Account Number: 0000000000
This notice is to remind you of your work search requirement or to inform you that your work search requirement has been changed effective immediately. Failure to comply with your work search requirement may result in denial of your unemployment benefits. If you are not currently certifying for benefits, or are not otherwise eligible for benefits at this time, this work search requirement will apply if you reopen your claim. Your work search requirement is:
Review the enclosed Returning to Work Fact heet for a list of acceptable work search activities and services to assist you. If you are receiving Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, you may be exempt from these work search requirements if you are unable or unavailable to work due to a federal COVID-19 qualifying reason. If you are receiving FED-ED extension benefits, you must look for work each week by completing at least three work search activities.
Note: You can determine the type of claim you are on by referring to your recent EDD notices or visiting the Returning to Work webpage at edd.ca.gov/ReturnWork.htm for tips on how to identify your claim type in UI Online.
For a list of acceptable work search activities and services available to help you find your next work opportunity, visit the Returning to Work webpage at edd.ca.gov/ReturnWork.htm. For more information about your work search requirement, refer to the Work Search Requirements section in A Guide to Benefits and Employment Services (DE 1275A) at edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de1275a.pdf.
If you live outside California or move outside California while receiving California unemployment benefits, you must register with the State Workforce Agency in your state and follow that state’s requirements and instructions for unemployment work search. Failure to contact the State Workforce Agency promptly, in order to comply with the registration and work search requirements of that state, could result in a delay or loss of your benefits.
DE 238SWP Rev. 2 (7-21) (INTERNET)