By signing below you agree to the following statements:
I understand that if I am notified that I am not eligible for the California Training Benefits program I may still be eligible to receive regular Unemployment Insurance benefits and any available extensions while attending school as long as I certify I am available for work, seeking work, and willing to drop or change school to accept an offer of work.
I understand that if I am eligible for California Training Benefits and the Training Extension, there is a maximum amount of training extension benefits that may be available regardless of the length of my training period.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the answers and information I provided on this document are true and correct and that if I submitted a Training Provider Questionnaire, it was completed by my training provider or an authorized program representative. I understand that the law provides penalties if I make false statements or withhold facts to obtain benefits.
You must complete this questionnaire and return it, along with the completed Training Provider Questionnaire (DE 4365TP), within 10 calendar days of the mailing date on the Notice of Request for School or Training Information (DE 4365T), by fax to 1-855-873-4359 or by mail in the enclosed envelope to the Employment Development Department, UI Center Riverside, PO Box 59910, Riverside, CA 92517-1910. To avoid processing delays, follow the Return Instructions on Page 2 of the Notice of Request for School or Training Information (DE 4365T).