You have the right to file an appeal if you do not agree with all or part of this decision.
To appeal, you must do the following:
- Complete the enclosed appeal form (DE 1000M) or write a letter stating that you want to appeal this decision. If you write a letter to appeal, explain the reason why you do not agree with the department’s decision. Write your social security number on each document you submit to the department (Title 22, California Code of Regulations (CCR), Section 5008).
- Mail the DE 1000M or your letter to the address of the office listed on the first page of this decision.
- File your appeal within twenty (20) days of the mail date of this notice.
Your handbook, “A Guide to Benefits and Employment Services,” gives more information about appeals. If you do not have a handbook, contact the office listed on the first page of this notice.
When your appeal is received, your case will be reviewed. If the decision remains the same, we will send your appeal to the Office of Appeals. If you appeal after the 20 days, you must include the reason for the delay. The administrative law judge will determine whether you had good cause for the delay. If the administrative law judge determines you did not have good cause for submitting your appeal late, your appeal will be dismissed.
The Office of Appeals will send you a letter with the date, place, and time of your hearing and a pamphlet explaining appeal hearing procedures. At the hearing, the administrative law judge will listen to you, examine the facts, and make a decision. You may have a representative or someone else help you.
While you wait for the administrative law judge’s decision, you must continue to mail your claim forms to the EDD. If you do not receive claim forms or a form from the Office of Appeals, contact the office listed on the first page of this notice. If the administrative law judge decides you are eligible for benefits, we can only pay benefits if claim forms were received for that
Contact EDD for information about (1) job referrals, (2) disability insurance, (3) other EDD services (4) services offered by other agencies.