UI / DE 1080MON

SAMPLE, this page for reference only.

EDD Employment Development Department State of California Logo


Date Mailed: MM/DD/YYYY
For Office Use Only: 000000000
Claimant's Name
Claimant's Address
City, State, Zip Code
Employment Development Department
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
TTY (Non-voice):

You are not eligible to receive benefits as explained below:

  1. 1. __
    Your request to receive payment on an invalid unemployment insurance (UI) claim using the Standard Base Period is denied. You requested to file a claim for benefits with a benefit year beginning MM/DD/YYYY. The base period of your claim is MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY. Unemployment Insurance benefit awards are computed on wages paid in the base period per section 1275(a) of the California UI Code. You do not have enough wages in the base period to establish a valid claim.
  2. 2. __
    Your request to receive payment on an unemployment insurance (UI) claim based on an Alternate Base Period is denied. You do not have enough wages in the Alternate Base Period to establish a valid claim. You requested to file a claim for benefits with a benefit year beginning MM/DD/YYYY. Under the Alternate Base Period program the base period of your claim is MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY. Unemployment insurance benefit awards are computed on wages paid in the base period per section 1275(b) of the California UI Code.

DE 1080MON Rev. 4 (10-22) (INTERNET)

SAMPLE, this page for reference only.

  1. 3. __ Your request to use base period wages from a prior claim to establish a current unemployment insurance (UI) claim is denied. Wages used in establishing a claim in any benefit year cannot be used to establish a claim in the next benefit year per section 1275 of the California UI Code. The effective date of your new claim is MM/DD/YYYY. The base period of your claim is MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY. Only wages paid during the base period may be used to establish a claim.
  2. 4. __ Your request to re-open your claim that ended on MM/DD/YYYY is denied. The benefit year of an unemployment insurance (UI) claim begins on the Sunday in the week you filed your claim. The claim ends 52 weeks later per section 1276 of the California UI Code. Payments cannot be made for weeks beyond the end date of the claim.
  3. 5. __ Your request to continue payments on your claim that ended on MM/DD/YYYY is denied. The benefit year of an unemployment insurance (UI) claim begins on the Sunday in the week you filed your claim. The claim ends 52 weeks later per section 1276 of the California UI Code. Payments cannot be made for weeks beyond the end date of the claim.
  4. 6. __ Your request to continue payments on your exhausted unemployment insurance (UI) claim is denied. When you filed your claim effective MM/DD/YYYY you were entitled to a maximum benefit award of $000 at $000 per week for XX weeks. The payment for the week ending MM/DD/YYYY exhausted your claim. The benefits payable in any one benefit year shall not exceed the maximum benefit amount per section 1281(b1) of the California UI Code. Therefore, payments cannot be made after a claim balance has been exhausted.

DE 1080MON Rev. 4 (10-22) (INTERNET)

SAMPLE, this page for reference only.

  1. 7. __ You have established a valid claim for unemployment insurance (UI) benefits with a benefit year beginning MM/DD/YYYY. Section 1276 of the California UI Code provides that a benefit year is a 52 week period. The benefit year of your claim does not end until MM/DD/YYYY.
  2. 8. __ Your request for interest payments on your retroactive unemployment insurance (UI) benefits is denied. There is no provision in the law to allow the Department to pay interest on benefits.
  3. 9. __ You reported that your last employer was XXXX. After considering the available information, the Department finds that you were not an “employee,” per section 621B of the California Unemployment Insurance Code.
  4. 10. __ You reported that you were employed as an independent contractor, not as an employee with XXXX. After considering the available information, the Department finds that you were an “employee” per section 621B of the California Unemployment Insurance Code.
  5. 11. __ Your request to file an unemployment insurance (UI) claim beginning MM/DD/YYYY based on an Alternate Base Period is denied because you qualify to file a Standard Base Period claim. Pursuant to section 1275(b) of the California UI Code, the Alternate Base Period can only be used to file a UI claim when there are not enough wages earned in the Standard Base Period to file a monetarily valid UI claim.

DE 1080MON Rev. 4 (10-22) (INTERNET)

SAMPLE, this page for reference only.

  1. 12. __ Your request to file an unemployment insurance (UI) claim based on the Alternate Base Period(ABP) effective MM/DD/YYYY is denied. Pursuant to section 1275(b) of the California UI Code, the first date an ABP claim can be filed is MM/DD/YYYY.


If you believe that this decision is not correct, you may file an appeal to the field office shown at the top of this form. In your appeal letter, explain why you do not agree with this decision. Any appeal from this notice, to be timely, must be filed on or before MM/DD/YYYY.


While an appeal is pending, you must continue to submit claim forms for each week you wish to be paid. If the final decision holds you eligible, you will only be paid for those weeks for which you have filed claim forms and have met all eligibility requirements.

DE 1080MON Rev. 4 (10-22) (INTERNET)