UI / DE 238T

SAMPLE, this page for reference only

EDD Employment Development Department State of California Logo

EDD Telephone Numbers:


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Mail Date:
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Benefit Year Begins (BYB):
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The Employment Development Department (EDD) is unable to process the California Training Benefits (CTB) Application and School and Training Questionnaire, DE 4365TQ, that you submitted to determine your eligibility for unemployment insurance (UI) benefits and the CTB program while you attend school or training for the reasons indicated on this notice. Please follow the instructions checked below. Failure to do so may result in a further delay or denial of your UI benefits.
  1. Please complete or correct the highlighted items on the enclosed questionnaire and return it within 10 calendar days from the mail date of this notice. You can fax the completed questionnaire to ‎1-855-873-4359 or mail the completed form to the Employment Development Department, P.O. Box 599000, Elk Grove, CA 95759 in the enclosed envelope.

    Your corrected questionnaire must be returned to EDD within ten (10) calendar days or your eligibility to receive UI benefits will be based on available information, which may result in a denial of benefits. Please write your name and Social Security number on any additional documents you include to establish your enrollment and attendance in the school or training program that you reported to EDD. If you have questions about the questionnaire or need assistance, you can contact the EDD by going online at www.edd.ca.gov and clicking the “Contact EDD” link or you may call one of the toll-free numbers listed at the top of this notice.

Form Tracking:
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DE 238T Rev. 1 (3-18) (INTRANET)

SAMPLE, this page for reference only

  1. If you did not work as employee or earn wages between Blank line and Blank line, you must contact the EDD to resolve the status on your pending new claim before benefits can be paid on any current federal extension. You can contact the EDD by going online at www.edd.ca.gov and clicking on the “Contact EDD” link or you may call one of the toll-free numbers listed at the top of page 1 of this notice.

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If you have questions about the questionnaire or need assistance, you can contact the EDD by going online at www.edd.ca.gov and clicking the “Contact EDD” link or you may call one of the toll-free numbers listed at the top of page 1 of this notice. PLEASE REFER TO THIS NOTICE WHEN CONTACTING THE EDD.
Form Tracking:
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DE 238T Rev. 1 (3-18) (INTRANET)