This decision is final unless appealed to an Administrative Law Judge of the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board within thirty days from the date this notice was mailed to you. You may appeal this notice by completing the enclosed appeal form or by writing a letter. In your appeal you must state the reasons why you do not agree with this decision. Appeals should be sent to the office listed at the top of this notice. While an appeal is pending you must continue to certify for benefits for each week that you contend you are eligible. If the final decision by the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board finds you eligible, you can be paid only for those weeks you certified for benefits and met all other eligibility requirements.
The handbook,
A Guide to Benefits and Employment Services, DE 1275A gives more information about appeals. If you do not have a handbook, you can read, download, or order the handbook online by visiting the EDD website at Enter the publication number “1275A” to search for the form, and follow the online instructions.