UI / DE 3100T

SAMPLE, this page for reference only

Employment Development Department
UI Center Riverside
PO Box 59910
Riverside, CA 92517-1910

EDD Employment Development Department State of California Logo

EDD Phone Numbers:
Mail Date:
Benefit Year Begins (BYB):


Based on your school or training reporting to the Employment Development Department (EDD), you may qualify for the California Training Benefits (CTB) program.

Participants in the CTB program are not required to be available for immediate full-time work, do not need to actively seek work, and are not required to accept an offer of suitable work while attending a period of EDD approved training. If you are eligible for the CTB program, you may also qualify for a Training Extension (TE) claim that provides additional weeks of Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits after your regular UI benefits are exhausted, as long as you are still attending an approved training program and you are not receiving federal extended benefits.

Applying for the CTB program is optional. To learn more about the program, eligibility criteria, and potential Training Extension benefits, read the enclosed California Training Benefits (CTB) Program Fact Sheet (DE 8714U). If you decide to apply, you must:

  1. Complete and sign the enclosed California Training Benefits (CTB) Application (DE 3100TQ).
  2. Provide the enclosed Training Provider Letter (DE 3100D) to your training provider to authorize the release of your school or training information to the EDD AND have your training provider, authorized program representative, or union/trade association complete the Training Provider Questionnaire (DE 3100TP) to verify your enrollment.
  3. Return the completed and signed DE 3100TQ and DE 3100TP by fax or mail to the EDD within 10 calendar days of the mail date of this notice. Refer to Page 2 of this notice for instructions on returning the completed application and questionnaire.

If you do not apply, or if the EDD determines that you are ineligible for the CTB program, your UI benefits will continue to be paid each week when you certify for continued benefits or while you attend school, as long as you meet all other UI eligibility requirements. This means that you continue to be available to accept immediate full-time work, are actively seeking work, and are willing to modify your school attendance to accept an offer of suitable work. You are only required to report school attendance in the week you first begin attending a school or training program, or in the week you begin attending a new school or training program.

Your CTB and TE eligibility can only be determined when the EDD receives your completed and signed application and questionnaire, listed above, in a timely manner. If you apply for the CTB program after your benefits are exhausted, you may be ineligible for the CTB program and TE benefits. The EDD can only consider your eligibility for the CTB program if you have an active, valid UI claim.

Note: If you are not currently attending school or training you may disregard this notice. You may contact the EDD to correct the misinformation by going online to edd.ca.gov and selecting the Contact EDD tab, or by calling the appropriate toll-free phone number listed at the top of this notice.

If you are attending training authorized by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) or the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program, you may contact your WIOA or TAA authorized representative to submit your training information through a separate CTB approval process, instead of completing the enclosed application and questionnaire.

DE 3100T Rev. 2 (10-19) (INTERNET)

SAMPLE, this page for reference only


The EDD will use the information provided on the application and questionnaire and any additional documents to determine your eligibility for the CTB program, including your potential eligibility for TE benefits, and your continued eligibility to receive UI benefits while you attend school or training. If the application and/or questionnaire are incomplete or illegible, the EDD may return the documents to you to provide the missing or illegible information, which may delay an eligibility decision.

If you are eligible for the CTB program, a Notice of Determination will be mailed to you and your UI benefit payments will continue as long as you are otherwise eligible to receive UI benefits and meet ongoing CTB participation requirements. Your eligibility for a TE will also be included in the Notice of Determination along with your complete rights and responsibilities while participating in the CTB program.

You will be required to have the back of the continued claim certifications signed by your training provider to show that you are attending and making satisfactory progress in your school or training program. The amount of the regular UI claim award, not the length of training determines how long UI benefits can be paid while participating in the CTB program. Your UI benefits may end if you fail to meet UI or CTB eligibility criteria, if your school or training extends beyond the duration of your UI claim, or if you exhaust all available UI benefits.

If you meet the criteria for a TE claim, the benefits are only payable until your training ends, the maximum amount of benefits are paid, or you qualify for a new claim or an extension; whichever occurs first. Benefits cannot be paid on a TE during a summer recess when you are not attending the approved school or training for three or more weeks.

If you are ineligible for the CTB program, a Notice of Determination will be mailed to you informing you of the reason for the decision and your appeal rights. Your UI benefit payments will continue as long as you are otherwise eligible for UI benefits and you continue to be available for immediate full time work, are actively seeking work, and are willing to accept an offer of suitable work while attending school or training.

If the EDD determines you are not available for immediate full-time work, not actively seeking work, and/or not willing to accept work while in school or training, you will receive a separate Notice of Determination informing you of the reason for the decision and of your appeal rights.


If you willfully give false information or withhold information about your school or training attendance in order to receive UI benefits, you may be subject to a false statement penalty that denies your benefits from 2 to 23 weeks. You may be required to repay any UI benefits which you were not entitled to receive and you may be subject to an additional penalty if the EDD determines that you fraudulently collected UI benefits.


To apply for the CTB program, you must return both the completed and signed DE 3100TQ and DE 3100TP, within 10 calendar days of the mail date of this notice either by fax to ‎1-855-873-4359 or by mail in the enclosed envelope to the Employment Development Department, UI Center Riverside, PO Box 59910, Riverside, CA 92517-1910. Do not return the cover letter or the enclosed DE 3100D to the EDD.

Attach any additional documents you wish to be considered and include your name and the last four digits of your Social Security number on each page. If you are returning the application and questionnaire by fax, send all documents and attachments in one continuous fax transmission.

The EDD fax number and return envelope are to only be used for submitting the application, questionnaire, and related attachments. All documents are processed automatically and any documents submitted other than the application, questionnaire, and related attachments will be destroyed.

Please allow the EDD 10 days after the date you apply to process your application before you inquire about your eligibility results.


If you have any questions about the CTB program or this notice, or if you need to make any corrections to the information you have supplied, visit edd.ca.gov and select the Contact EDD tab or call one of the toll-free phone numbers listed at the top of Page 1 of this notice.

DE 3100T Rev. 2 (10-19) (INTERNET)