UI / DE 5400E

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Notice of Conditional Payment Pending Eligibility Review

This notice applies to any potential eligibility issue that arises during your claim.
We have identified a potential issue with your claim which could make you ineligible for benefits. Because you have already received benefits on your unemployment claim, we are processing your pending weeks for conditional payment while we determine your continued eligibility. If you continue to certify for benefits while we are determining your eligibility, any conditional payment will be considered an overpayment if we later find you ineligible for those benefits.
We still need to determine your eligibility on the pending issue, which will lead to one of these results:
  • You will receive conditional payment and later be found eligible for those benefits.
  • You will receive conditional payment and later be found ineligible for those benefits. If you are disqualified, we will send you a Notice of Determination, which you may appeal. You may have to pay back the conditional payment received if you do not qualify for an overpayment waiver.
During the review, you may not receive payment if you:
  • Are fully employed or reported excessive earnings.
  • Are serving a prior false statement penalty.
  • Have an existing disqualification.
  • Had a prior overpayment and your benefits were applied to the overpayment.
This notice applies when we cannot make a determination within two weeks of when we identified an issue of potential eligibility.

What to Expect

While we determine your eligibility, continue to certify for benefits if you continue to be unemployed or are working reduced hours. The fastest way to certify is through UI Online by visiting portal.edd.ca.gov We will continue to pay you as long as you continue to certify, unless we find you ineligible.

You should not continue to certify if you are fully employed or otherwise believe you are ineligible for benefits.

We may contact you if we need more information to determine your eligibility. It is important that you respond to us. If you don’t respond as requested, we still need to make a decision based on the information available to us. Without information from you, we may find you ineligible for any conditional payment you received. For more information on eligibility issues, visit edd.ca.gov/en/claim-status

After We Determine Eligibility

To be eligible to receive benefits, you must meet the eligibility requirements for unemployment each week.
If we confirm your eligibility, you do not need to do anything for the weeks that were paid. Continue to certify for benefits every two weeks if you remain unemployed or are working reduced hours. For help answering certification questions, visit edd.ca.gov/en/Unemployment/Understanding_the_Continued_Claim_Certification_Questions
If you did not meet the eligibility requirements, we will send you a Notice of Determination (DE 1080CZ), which you may appeal. You may also have an overpayment you will have to repay if you do not qualify for an overpayment waiver. We will mail you a Notice of Potential Overpayment (DE 1447) and/or a Notice of Overpayment (DE 1444). You will have the right to appeal this determination and overpayment and be reconsidered for an overpayment waiver. For more information, visit edd.ca.gov/en/claims/Benefit-Overpayments

DE 5400E Rev. 1 (1-23) (INTERNET)