You may ask for a monthly repayment plan if you are not able to pay the full amount. The amount of overpaid benefits may be taken from future unemployment or disability benefits (CUIC section 1379(d)). Also, the state may take the amount you owe from federal tax refunds (Title 26, United States Code, section 6402(f)), state tax refunds, unclaimed property, and lottery winnings (California Government Code, section 12419.5). If you do not pay this overpayment, the Department may take legal action. If so, the cost of this action is added to the amount you owe (CUIC section 1379(a)-(c)).
You have the right to file an appeal if you did not agree with all or part of this decision.
To appeal, you must do all of the following:
- Complete the enclosed appeal form (DE 1000A) or write a letter stating that you want to appeal. Explain why you do not agree with the disqualifications. Write your Social Security number on your letter (Title 22, California Code of Regulations, section 5008).
- Mail the DE 1000A or your letter to the address of the office listed on the first page of this notice.
- File your appeal within thirty (30) days of the mail date of this notice or no later than MM/DD/YY (See back of notice for more information about appeals).
Visit the EDD website at for information about (1) job referrals, (2) disability insurance, (3) other EDD services, (4) services offered by other agencies.