UI / DE 6330PEUC-D

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This notice provides information regarding your eligibility for the federal extension benefits under the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation program. The last date an extension can begin is August 29, 2021. If eligible, it provides up to 53 weeks of benefits until a valid, new regular claim can be filed or until September 4, 2021, whichever of these occurs first. (Note: There are special claims that have a week-ending date other than Saturday. In those cases, benefits may be payable for the weeks ending September 6, 2021.)

You DO NOT qualify for federal Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation benefits on your regular claim effective mm/dd/yyyy. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020, Pub.L. No. 116-136, as amended by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, Pub.L. No. 116-260, and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA), Pub.L. No. 117-2, prohibits the payments of benefits because:

The benefit year of your last valid regular claim ended prior to July 1, 2019. (Pub.L. No. 116-136, § 2107[a][2][A]).
You have not exhausted your right to regular unemployment compensation benefits because:
Benefits on your regular claim dated mm/dd/yyyy are not exhausted. (Pub.L. No. 116-136, § 2107[a][2][A]).
You have rights to a new regular claim inBlank line ______. (Pub.L. No. 116-136, § 2107 [a][2][B]).
Since you qualify for a new regular benefit claim, you are not eligible to remain on extended benefits. (Pub.L. No. 116-136, § 2107 [a][2][B]).
Your request for extended benefits for the week ending mm/dd/yyyy is denied because you have rights to a new regular claim effective mm/dd/yyyy. (Pub.L. No. 116-136, § 2107 [a][2][B]).
Your request for extended benefits is denied because you have rights to an extended benefit claim in Blank line ______. (Pub.L. No. 116-136, § 2107 [a][2][B]).
You are seeking or receiving unemployment compensation under the laws of Canada. (Pub.L. No. 116-136,§2107 (a)(2)(C)).
Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (original 13 weeks) benefits are only payable for eligible weeks of unemployment from March 29, 2020, through weeks ending on or before September 4, 2021, for a Saturday week ending date, or September 6, 2021, for a nonstandard week ending date. (Pub.L. No. 116-136, § 2107 [g] as amended by Pub.L. No. 116-260 and Pub.L. No. 117-2).
Your request to file a Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation extension effective mm/dd/yyyy is denied. The last date a new Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation extension can begin is August 29, 2021, for claims with a Saturday week ending date, or August 31, 2021, for a nonstandard week ending date. (Pub.L. No. 116-136, § 2107 [g] as amended by Pub.L. No. 116-260 and Pub.L. No. 117-2).
Your request to reopen your Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation extension effective mm/dd/yyyy is denied as no benefits are payable for any week beginning after August 29, 2021, for claims with a Saturday week ending date, or August 31, 2021, for a nonstandard week ending date. (Pub.L. No. 116-136, § 2107 [g] as amended by Pub.L. No. 116-260 and Pub.L. No. 117-2).

DE 6330PEUC-D Rev. 2 (3-21) (INTRANET)

SAMPLE, this page for reference only

You have been paid the maximum number of weeks for which you were qualified on the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation extension. (Pub.L. No. 116-136, § 2107 [b][2] as amended by Pub.L. No. 116-260 and Pub.L. No. 117-2).
Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation is based on the most recent, valid regular unemployment insurance claim that expired on or after July 1, 2019. Your request to reopen your Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation extension based on a prior claim is denied. (Pub.L. No. 116-136, § 2107 [a][2][A]).
Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation is based on the most recent, valid regular unemployment insurance claim. Your request to file a Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation extension based on a prior claim is denied. (Pub.L. No. 116-136,§ 2107 [a][2][A]).
You are not legally authorized to work in the United States (Pub. L. No. 116-136, § 2107[a][2][D]; CUIC §1253[c]).
Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (additional 11 weeks) benefits are only payable for eligible weeks of unemployment from December 27, 2020, through weeks ending on or before September 4, 2021, for a Saturday week ending date, or September 6, 2021, for a nonstandard week ending date. (Pub.L. No. 116-136, §2107 [g] as amended by Pub.L. No. 116-260 and Pub.L. No. 117-2).
Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (additional 29 weeks) benefits are only payable for eligible weeks of unemployment from March 14, 2021, through weeks ending on or before September 4, 2021, for a Saturday week ending date, or September 6, 2021, for a nonstandard week ending date. (Pub.L. No. 116-136, §2107 [g] as amended by Pub.L. No. 116-260 and Pub.L. No. 117-2).
Your request to continue receiving benefits on your Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation extension under the Deferred New Claim Payment Program is denied because the weekly benefit amount on your Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation extension is not at least $25 more than the weekly benefit amount of your new regular UI claim. (Pub.L. No. 116-136, § 2107 [g]. amend. Pub.L. No. 116-20 § 206 [c]).
Your request to continue receiving benefits on your Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation extension under the Deferred New Claim Payment Program is denied because the end date of the benefit year of your initial regular UI claim is before December 27, 2020. (Pub.L. No. 116-136, § 2107 [g]. amend. Pub.L. No. 116-20 § 206[c]).
Your request to continue receiving benefits on your Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation extension under the Deferred New Claim Payment Program is denied because the start date of the benefit year of your new regular UI claim is after September 6, 2021, the end date of the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation extension program. (Pub.L. No. 116-136, § 2107 [g]. amend. Pub.L. No. 117-2, § 9016 [a]).
Your request to continue receiving benefits on your Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation extension under the Deferred New Claim Payment Program is denied because you have collected all available Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation benefits and you have not exhausted your right to regular unemployment compensation. (Pub.L. No. 116-136, § 2107 [g]. amend. Pub.L. No. 117-2, § 9016 [b]).
Your request to continue receiving benefits on your Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation extension under the Deferred New Claim Payment Program is denied because you earned enough wages in another state to be eligible for a new UI claim in that state before your initial, regular UI claim ended in California. (Pub.L. No.116-136, § 2107 [g]. amend. Pub.L. No. 116-20 § 206 [c]).


Under 18 U.S.C. §1001, knowingly and willfully concealing a material fact by any trick, scheme, or device or knowingly making a false statement in connection with this claim is a Federal Offense, punishable by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than five years, or both.


This decision is final unless appealed to an Administrative Law Judge of the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board within 30 days from the date this notice was mailed to you. Appeals should be sent to the field office listed on this notice. Appeal forms are available on our Web site at edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de1000m.pdf In your appeal you must state the reasons why you do not agree with this decision. While an appeal is pending you must continue to submit a weekly claim for each week that you contend you are eligible. If the final decision by the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board finds you eligible, you can be paid only for those weeks you filed a weekly claim and met all other eligibility requirements.

DE 6330PEUC-D Rev. 2 (3-21) (INTRANET)