UI / DE 5614

SAMPLE, this page for reference only

EDD Employment Development Department State of California Logo

ANY TOWN, CA 99999-9999

Employment Development Department (EDD) Customer Account Number Notification

This notice provides your Employment Development Department Customer Account Number (EDDCAN). You need the EDDCAN to register for UI Online, and you may use it instead of your Social Security number when speaking to our representatives.

Your EDDCAN is: 1234567890

Do not share your number with anyone. We take the security of personal information very seriously.
Get your benefit payments faster! Register for UI Online, a fast, convenient, and secure way to access unemployment benefit information, certify for benefits*, reopen an existing claim, view payment activity, manage your claim 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and receive email notifications when it is time to certify.
To register for UI Online, follow these steps:
  1. Create a myEDD account at myedd.edd.ca.gov
  2. Log in to myEDD.
  3. Select UI Online.
  4. Create a UI Online account using your EDDCAN.
  5. Access UI Online each time you log in to certify for benefits and more.

To get the most from your UI Online experience, visit edd.ca.gov/UI_Online for answers to frequently asked questions, online videos, and technical support.

Don’t delay. Set up your account and enjoy the many benefits and conveniences of UI Online.

*Customers on partial or Work Sharing claims are unable to certify for benefits online at this time but can access other features of UI Online.

DE 5614 Rev. 7 (6-23) (INTERNET)