The EDD has filed your DUA claim. DUA benefits are payable only if you meet all eligibility requirements. You have 21-days to mail proof to the EDD that you were employed or self-employed prior to the disaster. Failure to provide proof will affect your eligibility for DUA benefits. (If this is an amended notice, and you have previously provided proof, you do not need to provide it again.)
The following information is provided on this notice:
The total amount of money you can potentially receive on this claim, if you meet all DUA eligibility requirements, including that you remain unemployed as a direct result of the disaster. This amount is determined by the U.S. Department of Labor.
The maximum amount you can potentially be paid each week, if you certify for benefits and meet all weekly DUA eligibility requirements. The Weekly Benefit Amount of all DUA claims is determined by the U.S. Department of Labor. Under the law, this amount may be adjusted based on proof of wages or earnings you provide.
The total amount of earnings reported by the employer(s) during the calendar quarters listed. These earnings are used to compute your maximum benefit amount. This notice may not reflect the wages earned for the calendar quarters listed above. If wages are added to your claim, you will be mailed an amended notice. (Wages earned or paid to you in the last completed tax year are used to establish your claim. Wages means remuneration for services performed for another, or net income from services performed in self-employment, including wages and self-employment not covered for regular unemployment insurance claims.)
- You must contact the EDD if any information on this notice is incorrect or missing.
- For a higher weekly benefit amount to be considered, you must mail proof of earnings to the EDD address listed above byBlank line_________. Proof of wages or self-employment earnings include check stubs, payroll vouchers, W-2, tax forms, or any other documents that show where you worked and the amount you received or your net earnings from self-employment. Include your Social Security number, name and address on any written documents you provide to the EDD to ensure prompt processing of the information.
- You must continue to certify for any week(s) you wish to receive DUA benefits (as long as you are still unemployed because of the disaster) pending the consideration of any earnings documents you provide to EDD.